
Document Title Page

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Oltrrutt dourt af Appieala

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Joseph E. Wise, et al,


vs. V No. 2719.

Cornelius C. Watts, the Bouldins, et al.,


Supplemental Brief of Appellants Wise, as to the Valid-

ity of the Sheriff's Sale Under Which the Interest

of D. W. Bouldin Was Sold.


Attorney for Joseph E. Wise and Lucia J. Wise

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FEB 7 - 19:1.5

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archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs990

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs990

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs990#page/n194/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

sheriff, deed, property, estate, title, purchaser, pac, administrator, wise, execution, valid, lien, bouldin, successor, officer

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

revised statutes, prop erty, equitable title, boul din, valid lien, valid ity, simple presentation, sheriffs deed, section 1497, quiet title., pima county, leo goldschmidt, lawful money, gardemeyer 82, es tate

Document Status: UGLY