
Document Title Page


Fred W. Pooler vs

the notice required by law of tl

petition and bond had, prior to 1

petition, been served upon the

which notice the Court finds was

accordance with the requirements

bond and petition are hereby accepl

and IT IS ORDERED that this

to the District Court of the Unite

District of Montana, pursuant to t

United States, upon the payment

of the regular and customary fe

this Court will proceed no farthc

unless said action shall be remanc

by the said United States Distri(

District of Montana.

Dated this 15th day of Decemb(


Endorsed : Filed Jan. 9, 1934.

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs1996

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1996

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1996#page/n35/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

district, petition, montana, 1934, bond, tel, removal, jan, unite, transferred, tl, tice, telephone, tain, smith

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

unite district, tl petition, tel tel., telephone ant, ry 9th, requirements bond, rasch hall, myers avis, montana pursuant, lton smith, jnn rasch, january 1934., hall gunn, follow coiirt, figures follow

Document Status: UGLY