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The //tt/e quartz iein exposed through this 4f ivorking

is adfTtitted by appeliee's witrtesse's to be fiat /yina.

aimost horizontsi. aryd r70 charrge ir? dip appears anyvrhere

which cou/d perrrtit of its connection iith the ore bodies

in depth. Presumpti/e/y it continues iivhere fast seen to

t/?e northeast on this same flat dip. Ore bodies in depth

may not be taken aiAay from appei/ant on a showing

of this sorf without substantiai eidence to support

appei/ee's ciaim. ( Tr. pp 5Z2-3, S63-S70. 6/5, 65S-e,

77' a. 7/7. 72 /-Z 773-9, 379 -30/, 09'9i 927. 9S3 J





archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2084

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2084

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2084#page/n144/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

vein, shaft, galena, main, apex, ore, lode, end, walls, level, surface, mining, foot, bullion, veins

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

galena vein, main vein, grass valley, 300 level, main shaft, ore bodies, bullion vein, commercial ore, 60 foot, country rock, vein extends, mineral bearing, galena lode, main vein., defined walls

Document Status: UGLY