
Document Title Page


tt to. a

It. Tha aowarisasht will aosapt * **" lo-

tion without farthsr rapalr. MMpt as * roof and *

ulntananos, axcapt as ts roof and wall., shall ba tha lows


  1. Tha *wariawsnt rssarwsa tha right to -^g.^,^ 1 *

tins during tha tarn or any ranawal tharaof by a Thirty (30) da:

  1. Tho 3owsrnw*nt f during tha tarn of this laasa and any

rsnawal tharaof, ahall awa ths option to purohsss ths d ssilssd prsw.

at not to axoaad ?76,000.00. Tltla ahall ba oonwoyad to tha Gowsrni

by *;sntral grant daed, froo and claar of all anauaibransss prewldad

that 11 tha Attorney Oanaral upon axaui'Stron of tha aoatraet or iii

furnlahsd by tho Laaaor, ahall r.ot approwa tha tltla n * fo"**;

proeaadln*a aro inatitutod, tha Laor, if raquaatad b TJ h 4 ^ o ; ^n,,, ;

acraaa to tha antry of a conaant wsrdist fixing tha award at tha opt



  1. fthsrewer in ttia laasa tha word "walla" la uaad, tha taj

ia intandad to ral'ar to outalda walla, only.


archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2752x

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2752x

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2752x#page/n437/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

tha, lease, option, la, corder, ahall, walla, tltla, ths, tho, tharaof, tarn, standard, seld, roof

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

tha tarn, corder inc., wsrdist fixing, word walla, wariawsnt rssarwsa, walla la, underalned seoretary, unanimously adopted, ulntananos axcapt, uaad tha, ttia laasa, ts roof, tltla ahall, ths option, tho laaaor

Document Status: UGLY