
Document Title Page

peFT. ei(.H(S(T a -CcoHT.)

1 & jmniNMl MCOK MX Ktm


ASBUB .-2 ifeUUrtjBtrtat :i '

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taO NiS teQ IbO



fmcf hcfc

^ve details on pjce 2 aad cater the nul hoc

  1. AJd iiKuinc hawo ia iecm* 2. 3, 4. ad ). aotl enter ibc lottl heic .

. CaicKowiaBfr(MiuUeoQpafe4,orfraaliacl8.pfcy- _... 70t%

  1. How sack have jroa paid oa your 1948 iacone lu) r"

(A) Tool xaa. m itca 2. bore (attach Orif iaal Forma W-2). I

(B) Bf pajaeaia a 1941 Dedaratioa of Eatimaied Tai. _^

i 9- II)nMrtas(iicatilwferihaaa7meao(iieal).eaicrMUWCITU0Kcfc_^ f.

IlkMHtrifeiiaariliiMliMrtlnMa /^

  1. If yoorpajracau (ilea S) are larfcrihaa four tax (ilea 7). cater the OVOPATM"*"

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wiktbHMyM* .197... {by A(i iQtkfci



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archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2859

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2859

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2859#page/n846/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

ilea, cater, yoorpajracau, xaa, wiktbhmym, ve, tool, teq, tax, tao, tai, sack, pjce, piihja, pfcy

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

yoorpajracau ilea, ve details, tool xaa., teq ibo, tax ilea, tao nis, paid oa, orif iaal, nul hoc, nmrtas iicatilwferihaaa7meao, nis teq, mx ktm, mcok mx, lottl heic, jroa paid

Document Status: UGLY