
Document Title Page


^ -^ NO. 2290 _^

Oltrrtttt Olourt of Appate

JTor % Nitttly CUtrrmt.

THE CITY OF FOESYTH, an Incorporated City

of the Third Class of the State of Montana,

Formerly the TOWN OF FOBSYTH,

Plaintiff in Error,


    1. CRELLIN, W. H. JACKSON, and B. N.

MOSS, Copartners Doing Business Under the

Firm Name and Style of DES MOINES


Defendants in Error.

Upon Writ of Error to the United States District Court

of the District of Montana.


AUG 26 1913

FiLMER Bros. Co. Print, 330 Jackson St.. S. F.. Cal.

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs0826

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs0826

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs0826#page/n6/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

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Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

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Document Status: UGLY