No. 4196
/ v_S i' ~* IN THE
United States Circuit Court of Appeals
For the Ninth Circuit
J 3'^ ?
: Appeals
The First National Bank of San Feancisco,
a corporation, Old Colony Teust Company,
a corporation, The First Nationat^ Bank of
Boston, a national banking association. Na-
tional Bank of Commerce in New York, a
national banking association. The First Na-
tional Bank in St. Louis, a national banking
association. National Shawmut Bank of Bos-
ton, a national banking association, National
City Bank, a national banking association,
and First National Bank of Chicago, a na-
tional banking association,
A'p'^ellants ,
- Smith, Receiver of the Union Land and
Cattle Company, a corporation, under and by
virtue of that certain order given and made
on July 28 1920,
McCutchen, Olney, Mannon & Greene,
Hoyt, Norcross, Woodburn, Thatcher & Henley,
Warren Olney, Jr.,
- Mannon, Jr.,
Crawford Greene,
Benjamin J. Henley,
Attorneys for Appellants.
r I L fe I
John F. Cassell, Of Counsel.
Parker Printing Company, Law Printers, 346 Sansome St., S. F.
archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs1383
Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1383
Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1383#page/n4/mode/1up
Top Keywords (auto-generated):
receiver, certificates, property, cattle, corporation, private, land, union, trust, lien, creditors, business, receivership, petition, issue
Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):
union land, private corporation, issue receiver, trust deed, private corporations, national bank, prop erty, national banking, grape creek, creek coal, busi ness, bond mortgage, receivership certificates, receiver ship, receivers certificates
Document Status: UGLY