No. 4409
United States Circuit Court of Appeals
For the Nioth Circuit 11
Old Colony Trust Company, a corporation,
The First National Bank of Boston, a
National Banking Association, National
Bank OF Commerce in New York, a Nation-
al Banking Association, The First Nation-
al Bank in St. Louis, a National Banking
Association, National Shawmut Bank of
Boston, a National Banking Association,
National City Bank, a National Banking
Association, and First National Bank of
Chicago, a National Banking Association,
Union Land & Cattle Company, a corpora-
tion, and W. T. Smith, Eeceiver of said
Union Land & Cattle Company, Under and
By Virtue of that Certain Order Given and
made by the Above-entitled Court in the
above-entitled Action on July 28, 1920, and
to J. W. Dorsey and W. E. Cashman,
McCuTCHEN, Olney, Mannon & Greene,
Thatcher & Woodburn,
Warren Olney, Jr.,
- Mannon, Jr., ^^ * t
Crawford Greene,
George B. Thatcher,
John F. Cassell,
Attorneys for Appellants.
Parlier Printing Company, S46 Sanaome Street, San Francisco
archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs1420
Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1420
Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1420#page/n134/mode/1up
Top Keywords (auto-generated):
receiver, national, cattle, land, union, dorsey, messrs, bank, cashman, services, district, creditors, banking, association, 1924
Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):
union land, national bank, banking association, national banking, services rendered, association national, nevada creditors, san francisco, intervening banks, shawmut bank, national shawmut, colony trust, 4194 4195, smith receiver, receivers 4th
Document Status: UGLY