
Document Title Page

No. 4540



United States Circuit Court of Appeals

For the Ninth Circuit

FiKST Federal Trust Company, a corpora-

tion, and Milton R. Clark, as Trustees,

A'p'pellaniF, .


The First National Bank of San Fran-

cisco, a corporation; et al.,


Brief for Appellees Old Colony Trust Company,

The First National Bank of Boston, National

Bank of Commerce in New York, The First

National Bank in St. Louis, National

Shawmut Bank of Boston, National

City Bank and First National

Bank of Chicago.

McCuTCHEN, Olney, Mannon & Greene,

Thatcher & Woodburn,

Warren Olney, Jr., ^' I L O

    1. Mannon, Jr., ^ ^^^
  1. Crawford Greene, IVIAY ^ "" '^"^^

George B. Thatcher, ^ .jr-^.,-*^--%a,f

John F. Cassell, -.

Attorneys for Appellees, Old Colony Trust Company,

The First National Bank of Boston, National Bank

of Commerce in New York, The First National

Bank in St. Louis, National Shawmut Bank of

Boston, National City Bank, and First National

Bank of Chicago.

Parker Printing Conapany, 346 Sansome Street, San Francisco

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs1438

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1438

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1438#page/n478/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

mortgage, secured, creditors, bank, security, unsecured, equity, creditor, remedy, right, trust, property, receiver, foreclosure, assets

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

national bank, secured creditor, unsecured creditors, bond mortgage, free assets, union land, secured creditors, federal courts, unsecured indebtedness, rents issues, 541 200, trust deed, nevada statutes, mortgaged property, personal remedy

Document Status: UGLY