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(Inseit on page 10 oilginal biief at aiddle of line 10 aftei the

jiname "Hoh dai Hoo".

1 yeb. 17, 1927,

Hon. John D. %gle ,

2 Gonutlgaionei of iaaigration, In le: 26223/4-8, GO lUW, ion of

Poit of Son iyianclsco. native, ex ij I'FZj. SFl ,

3 iuguat 11, 192 4.

Deal ail :

4 Youi lettei of to-day in the atove entitled caae has just

been lead to tr.e over the Phone by Inapootoi-in-chaige Jonea, The

5 letter Itself 1 ha"v e not yet tecelved.

IVlth ies(-8ct to the showing of Hoh j^.i Hoo, I desiie to

6 state that hia iif f idavl t C3 not oonr.pletoly drawn, because we aaouaed

from out telegiom frorc Congiesswonsi n Kahn that the reopening of the

7 caae had already been authorised. The facts 1 have just obtaL ned from

Hoh aai Hoo aio as ibllows:

8 His home in Ohi na is the same as that of the applicant, it

being the Jhew Leung Hong Village, of the Mtr. Hoy District. This

9 village 1.3 Inhabited exclusively by membera of the Go family snd the

Hoh family. The witness. Hoh oai Hoo, is not a blood relative of Go

10 Lun, but there does exist a brotherhood relation between the witness and

the applicant's father, Go ^ng. Hoh iai Hoo has been a resident in

11 this village in China for many, many, many years. He flist caice to

this country in 1918, Hia wife came in 192(y, and in 19E2 they went

12 back to China for a temporary visit, returning here in 1922, accom-

panied by maibers of their family. On this lotuin trip, Hoh Jai Hoo

13 had with hltr., besides the members of his own family, Go jIang, the fatha:

of the present applicant. Their coming together on that boat was by

14 prear rongem.ent , Go dang, having joined with Hoh Jai Hoo in Canton, and

thqy journeyed fiom theie to the United States together.

15 i?iom Hoh iai Hoo's hom.e in the jhew Leung Hong Village, he

walks right by Go jjang's home. He has passed his home many, many,

16 many ti es during the nany yeara of his residence in that village.

He visited Go isng's home during the 1S22-23 visit. Hoh jf..i Hoo knows

17 this applicant personally, has seen him in his ovs:i home and in his

home village, and is able ioai tively to identity him as the son of

18 Go laijTig. Aa to the father, Go 3ang, he came to this country with Hoh

dai Hoo to join the letter's store, where he is now ard ever sittce

19 has teen employed, in fact, 1 believe the testimony in the "latter 'a

case shows th&t he came to this country to go into Hoh Sal Hoo's stort

20 This addi tional witness, Hoh 3&i Hoo, whose American nam.e 1

Harry d. Hoh, is a merchant and the manager of the firm of joo ",vo &

21 company, of 9(3 Grant Avenue, in this city. He is a merchant of the

highest standing, of excellent leputation foi truth, honesty, veracit

22 and integrity. He has never been a witness belb le your service in

any cases at all, outside of the members of his own ff-mily, and as t?

23 manager of Ms store, and 1 am very positive that he can convincingl

show by hia testimony the t ruth of his assertions thnt Go Lun is the

24 son of Go janp , and t hr. t if you will take his testimony and give hin

an opportunity to testify, you will be able to satisfy yourielf the:

25 fromthat the applicant is a citizen of the United Jtatea, and the

sonof Go iirng , and that he may be landed as such.

26 I trust that with this a m.pli il ca tion of the facits end cii

cumstances you will see that it is material, and most vital and mat

27 lal to theinterests of Go Lun to aecur o the testimony in t his i nsl

of Hoh jai Hoo, ana that you will see your way clear to direct a n

28 opening of the ease, and take the tojtim.ony in qucotion. There wi

be no further evidence to offer, except to re-piesent tte original

29 witneaaea who tesiified in this matter, and such further ex.-.minatl

of the applicant as may be necessary.

30 i Yours very respectfully,


3^ (dlgned) Geo. A. McGowa n

1: Attorney for Applicant.

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs1515

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1515

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1515#page/n52/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

applicant, hay, hoh, hoo, village, th, ia, father, house, chairman, 1925, school, land, home, hia

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

26 27, jai hoo, hoh jai, hoh dai, dai hoo, tuition fees, theae boya, perfectly apparent, leung hong, jhew leung, iai hoo, hong village, home village, hoh iai, applicant noi

Document Status: UGLY