
Document Title Page

No. 7966. ^

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Olirrmt 0urt of AipMlB

iffor tlf^ Ntulli (Etrrutt.

Samuel S. Gelberg, Attorney for Cred-

itors Committee of Western Blind &

Screen Co., a corporation, also

known as Western Venetian Blind

Co., a corporation, and Creditors

Committee for Western Blind &

Screen Co., also known as Western

Venetian Blind Co., a corporation,



E. C. Richardson, Receiver for West-

ern Blind & Screen Co., a corpora-

tion, also known as Western Vene-

tian Blind Co., a corporation,

Appellee, I


i' ILc.D

rrn 1*^ 1935 Mitchell, Silberberg & Knupp,

Guy Knupp,

PAUL r ^/BHEN, Norman R. Tyre,

Ro^^efeV Bldg., 727 W. 7th St., Los Angeles,

Attorneys for E. C. Richardson, Receiver for Western

Blind & Screen Co., a Corporation, Also Known as

Western Venetian Blind Co., a Corporation, Appellee.

I'arker, Stone & Baird Co., Law Printers, Los Angeles.

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs1911

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1911

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1911#page/n374/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

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Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

creditors committee, receivership estate, services rendered, blind screen, appel lants, western blind, venetian blind, finance corporation, york investors, western venetian, macon const., emphasis supplied., 2nd cir., richardson receiver, ober sons

Document Status: UGLY