
Document Title Page


Fred W. Pooler vi

Thereafter, on July 29th, 1

Amended Complaint was filed hei

and figures following, to-wit: 43

Title of C/Ourt and Cause.


Comes now the above-named d

and for its answer to plaintiff's fii

set forth in his amended complain

  1. Admits the allegations of

II thereof.

  1. Denies the allegations of pai


  1. As to the allegations contai

IV, denies that plaintiff, at any

25th day of June, 1933, ever ma

demand of this defendant to remc

his property.

  1. Denies the allegations conta

  2. As to the allegations contaii

VI and VII denies any knowled

thereof sufficient to form a belief

  1. Denies the allegations conta


  1. As to the allegations contaii

IX and X, denies any knowled^

thereof sufficient to form a beliei

  1. Denies the allegations of p

Save and except as hereinbefo

mitted or denied, this answering

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs1996

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1996

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1996#page/n55/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

allegations, denies, wire, property, vi, tel, safety, knowled, june, form, contaii, conta, answering, accident, 43

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

june 1933, allegations contaii, allegations conta, wire lis, wire constituted, vi thereafter, vii denies, trip stumble, pooler vi, ol stacle, night trip, negligently allowed, nary care, months md, md appreciated

Document Status: UGLY