
Document Title Page


Fred w . rooicr

Aiid for answer to plainti

of action, and as and for a thii

rate defense thereto, this answe

leges :

That from the time said w

plaintiff's yard and/or on his

knew and appreciated, or, in tl

nary care, should have known ai

said wire constituted an obsta

might trip, stumble or fall.

That during all of said time, i

the time of the alleged accident, '

reasonable exertion and no expe

fling expense, have removed said

property, and knew, or, in the e

care, should have known said f

That in the exercise of reasoi

gence, plaintiff could have, by i

said wire removed, avoided anc

injury and/or damage to his p

fendant alleges that plaintiff's i

due to and proximately caused

remove or have said wire remov

And for fui'ther answer to plai

of action and as and for a four

rate defense to said second ca

answering defendant alleges:

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs1996

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1996

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs1996#page/n63/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

wire, alleges, tel, removed, rate, negligently, caused, care, yard, whittinghill, walking, walk, view, trip, ton

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

wire removed, wire remov, wire ead, wire constituted, walk 7as, trip stumble, tl nary, thii rate, safety ssly, rooicr aiid, removed avoided, reasoi gence, rasch hall, proximately caused, negligently failed

Document Status: UGLY