
Document Title Page



Argiment 10

Jurisdictional Statement 2

Opinion Below :2

Specifications of Error 9

Statement of Case 5



Executive Order, March 27, 1933 36

Federal Farm Loan Act 7, 20

Filor vs. United States, 9 Wallace 45, 49 31

Fleming vs. Gamble, 37 F. (2d) 72 11

Hawkins vs. United States, 96 U.S. 689, 691 31

Keely vs. Sanders, 99 U.S. 441, 447 21

Lamport Mfg. Supply Co. vs. United States, ()5

I Ct. CI. 579, 610 21

Public Act No. 666, 71st Congress, approved Feb.

14, 1931 4, .5, 13, 1.5, 19, 21, 26

    1. Code, Title 12, Sec. 1021, et seq 7

. S. Code, Title 12, p. 793 36

. S. Code, Title 28, Section 41, Subsection (1 ) . . 4

tl. S. Code, Title 28, Section 225 (a) 4

    1. Statutes at Large, Vol. 46, p. 1160 5

Ttah Power and Light Co. vs. United States, 243

U.S. 389, 409 31

^iteside, et al., vs. United States, 93 U.S. 247,

257 31

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2163

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2163

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2163#page/n448/mode/1up

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Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

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