
Document Title Page


AT grOf AMERICA -j?2Lrrs


U- Did diitablihment rent roooM or Oder fbm

fer rent oa Maich 1, 1942?

D Nojg-

If the an,rw i. "no", on what dace did thi*

: MATOTOM UGAL WPfTg FOR Roovta ppvTtwoppnrp rOffjirNT

'*TrTriSlI?wtbri^^^ reported and not merely oJ for n

2?JifK?^2t''^^^ pportlon the total cham ha-

aKSrFot MOMMVT^ PPortkmmant mutt be fair and rSmn^

for room and nealfl? Yea Q No^

-?3ipi&".:SJ*^^ Any .har^ i

mJllMPjWiworiiKISmWS^^^ ?'^ '^ Max.n,om Rmt Relation. raayVtb-

i^ 'fc^ f farSTjorhSb A fahertatement on th form may wbiectVTKj to 1*5.005


archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2397

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2397

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2397#page/n1013/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

wilton, rent, hugh, 1942, apartment, march, house, rental, taylor, count, room, rooming, street, registration, office

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

hugh wilton, rooming house, hugh wilton., figueroa street, area rent, rooming house., march 1942, rent office, price administration, figueroa street., higher rental, apartment house, los angeles, fii st, apart ments

Document Status: UGLY