William Wade Ricketts
(Testimony of Peter Szambelan.)
of admission against interest made by the i)la
in the course of those hearings.
Mr. Erickson: That is the view I take, bv
only way I know to get tlie whole statement
to offer everything said at the hearing.
Mr. Young: I am just going to make the r
objection in order to protect the theory that
going to address the court on later in the tri
am not going to require that the stenographer
all his notes.
The Court: I think it might be well to ha^
witness testify that he personally made that
script ion and that it is an accurate transcri
of his shorthand notes, what the plaintiff sai
(Whereupon, record of hearing held at
kane, Washington, March 3, 1938, was m
Defendant's Exhibit No. 14 for identifica
- (By Mr. Erickson) : I will hand yo
fendant's identification 178 14, Mr. Szaml
and ask you whether or not you transcribed
shorthand notes, and whether or not identifi(
14 now^ is an accurate typewritten report o
shorthand notes that vou had?
archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2468
Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2468
Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2468#page/n352/mode/1up
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Document Status: UGLY