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pool, joint venture.
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1 Nature of oriuzaUfln
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QUESTIONS ^ ^. . , .
rtZewhyuMjandthedaUinventcry waaUHiecaic ilalwi
perwil holding compuiy. a. defin^ :'.^^ Jll.
Wnal Revenue Code? (A*_ ^"vliTJt;JSri
If answer i. "Ye.." attach '^'^ .^^^^JT'^^
- Wm return of Wonnation on Form. 10% andlOW filed Jor
r.lrr-'-- 1"" "^^ (S" In.truction H).JLAA..._,,,,,,,,^
" AFFIDAVIT (ittumnBumu) -Ahy andtothebeil
I .wear (or affirm) that thU return Cu-luJint .-yr^-^
my knowied and beW U a true. a)met. and concrete retunvnde m lood t^
Revenue Code and the r.ulation. inued under wrthonty thereot.
2 day ofek2^ 194i
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AFFIDAVIT .^l::;l^^d.,0.,,ift.y~5-.
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archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2477
Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2477
Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2477#page/n818/mode/1up
Top Keywords (auto-generated):
tax, trust, commissioner, 2d, investors, clayton, corporation, property, association, title, estate, operator, revenue, code, petitioners
Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):
internal revenue, bloomfield ranch, ellen weinstein, weinstein deceased, revenue code, miller lux, samuel weinstein, certiorari denied, section 3797, association taxable, income tax, joint venture, union trust, wells fargo, san francisco
Document Status: UGLY