
Document Title Page


We, Marie Wiese.and Ferdinand Wiese, her husband, of

the County of San Bernardino, State of Oalifornia, for and

in consideration of the love and affettion whidi we have

for our daughter Louisa Heidt, of the 3am9 County and

S*.at, do hereby ^^.vs and grant to said lx)ui8a Heidt, all

that real property situated in the County of San Bemariirio,

State of Oalifornia, ki^-zn and described as Lot number

Twenty- fivf* (ii'^), in Block number One Hundred and Twrelve (11^

01 the City of Col ton, aacordLig to the map of tiie ori-inal

tov/n of Colton made and published at the instance of the

Western Development Corcpany.

To ^^V9 and to liold the same as her sole and s'rparate


IN WITNESS WHB;R''^F, ^9 do hereunto sljn our nair.es, t;n.

^tt,;. iay of A'-iS"st, 18Q3.


archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2500

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2500

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2500#page/n206/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

property, petitioner, decedent, estate, tax, revenue, internal, determining, item, joint, acquired, section, deciding, community, failing

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

internal revenue, surviving spouse, community property, revenue code, gross estate, 105 section, joint tenancy, code section, peti tioner, prop erty, personal services, los angeles, section 811, louise seeley, estate tax

Document Status: UGLY