
Document Title Page


Dear lr Uirmyaiaa,

^ TTe have juat ,haard that your tiaby U lU, aai

all of-UB fael t ha f .v e " : ould like t-^- help-you in your moment of


others iiopinii ai4,^^ai^ 1JE ,t4T; you that yoxii^ cli^^vtil soon

get vellafialn, ^en you have thttt knorledgei .^ ; y ,

As vie do not forget how 4ood'TOU'%ave been to

Ms in te past, ite vant ^u to know that pttr thouLts are v.ith

you at this monent and that we fieel that the illness of your

-. oMl'' Is our concern as It la your s.

And ve.hope that this* little note - ill do

something to ease your sorrow and make you hope, as we hope,

thdt' your trochlea will soon roll away and tti&t in a short.. tira

your baby will be back Mth its f^.ther again, healthyand- -.ell,

aaa Just as it was before. (}CeiutlL niJu*-a^ .

./. ."^ ^^''^ ^^^^ sinoorely, fUtlk^^dbjuJU^

^^ / / J

-"^^^JiMfaiTANTS EXHIBIT jg, in IfflHAyAMA DEPoftlTIOH'

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2604

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2604

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2604#page/n638/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

aquino, iva, deposition, toguri, tokyo, sustained, dewolfe, ikuko, japan, war, 1949, american, tamba, incompetent, japanese

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

ikuko toguri, iva ikuko, aquino deposition, tokyo japan, american consular, toshikatsu kodaira., ainsworth vice, vice consul, incompetent ir, suisei matsui., kempei tai, ir relevant, northern district, miss toguri, tokyo rose

Document Status: UGLY