
Document Title Page

4 Th Government shall not assign this lease in any event, --- ..

prJSSu5de.irabl tenant, and for a similar tf^^^jgZit

{reHSes by anyone other than the Government, such sublessee, and the agents ana serv

Government, or of such sublessee.

. _ -* d

  1. This lease may, at the option of the Government,

FIVf.miMBRED FIFTY D0I1ARS (S60.00) fJ^^^TT'

and otherwise upon the term* and conditions herein specified, provided notice be giv en m w..-^

k- i r luit rmmm (15) day before this lease or any "^**Jf h J~ *JXI

%^lpr^:^Ti nTrVnewal thereof .hall extend the penod of occupam * ft

premises beyond the **h oayof A 53

  1. lit Lewior shall furnish to the Government, during the oca

  2. im^^feaS pVrt of the rental consideration, the foHowmg:

The Government shall pay the Leasor for the premise, rent at the forming rata:

Calif oral* -

Payment ahall be made at the end of

in or upon the pr emise s hereby

prior to the


archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2752x

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2752x

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2752x#page/n431/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

government, lease, sublessee, ti, th, tfjgzit, term, tenant, specified, similar, serv, s60, rmmm, rental, rent

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

ti ntrvnewal, th government, tfjgzit rehses, specified provided, similar tfjgzit, serv government, rental consideration, rata calif, premises beyond, premise rent, pr emise, payment ahall, oral payment, occupam ft, luit rmmm

Document Status: UGLY