JPJTG. 3. At/veh
(/Pop AMed)
( Arrotrs Ac/dec/)
Do-fe. of Tnven-fton - May J4, J94-7
Sofh ccff&s c/ /^/onge 7 /to/c/ rap c/ofyn cv? //oor
A/orroyv s/o/s JP b/eed a/r and spor/ l/accoon?.
^Oagh /oce of or^^r j4- a/^yoys' rut^ on roo (^C/oZ/r? SJ
A/f o/her s/roc/ore Coprcd /ron^ J94J /vZ/fe^.
Cross- sect/on o/
^/Peproc/uce^ from Eyhr'brVs ZTandW)
So/d Commercfo/fy J^^
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/Pag ff/^Gd io oppde or nop ^o/aci/rMM c/eep /^r/ removof.
Por/rof Seofrhq o/ds /////o^-
Rough -face of ocfoior /4. /s as so/ oS rs//ss emphyec/,
a/ivoyS' robs on rop
Sofd Commercfo/fy Dec. J340
^rmrrd edae ^Soffhnoe rotsed oioyG f/oor /vons /ban
reoredge ^ ^
Rog /tfc/ ^ grea.hr degrae /bo/7 prey /ocAS/y bp /act/r/afis
deep dir^ remoraf.
JPoogh face of /igiMor 3? con be ret/^ersed J80'
smooth &tde con ro6 on roa OS tn J94J /^rfrex -
archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2808
Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2808
Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2808#page/n892/mode/1up
Top Keywords (auto-generated):
patent, 2d, invention, cir, flange, roller, rug, tool, atiyeh, finding, lovick, ed, device, art, combination
Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):
rug tool, patent office, confidential relationship, atiyeh patent, bristle roller, atiyeh invention, accused devices, special master, rug tool., defen dant, testi mony, los angeles, john lovick, eighth inch, rug tools
Document Status: UGLY