
Document Title Page

fhe isoret&ry of itute presents hie ooapli onte

to the minister of ths oerbe, ;)rote, and o1oto/i

jid has the honor to inquire' whether it 18 tho view

of the Government of the .-lrdoi

oerb^. . Jrot.

xnd Slovenes that tho treaties unci oonventiom

rere in force between the .ling-doa of ^erbi ; nd thi

United ^tstss ut tho tiae of the foro '-ion of th

/.ingflora of th r-^rbs, -rote.

p 11 cable to those purte of tho new ..lnuo-a w:iio

not oozxprlsed within tb* territorial

ilingdom of werbi

The iniiry Is atSe In prticulr with rn orenoe

to the convention of Joraraor

on October 14, 1861; the


on Ootober 14, 1661; t.nd tho .Jttrditior .'rn ;y, oono

n Ootober 2b, 1901.

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2813x

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2813x

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2813x#page/n676/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

tho, th, rote, rn, ootober, nd, xnd, werbi, view, ventlon, ut, unci, tstss, treaties, tiae

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

xnd slovenes, ut tho, unci oonventiom, tstss ut, treaties unci, ths oerbe, tho view, tho treaties, tho tiae, territorial ilingdom, tb territorial, rn orenoe, rbs rote., presents hie, ootober 2b

Document Status: UGLY