
Document Title Page



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    1. DnNVmUAL MCOK TAX REnim

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  1. Enter hncibetMalnBaoBt of foorbtcfntOKWiig

, t fcqC iimii ^IjiripMMlwwkiOycififcw

  1. If ro iccdvdi aay other isooBc. give detail* oo fnflc 2 tad enter the total hert..

  2. AlifaKoaeaboraialteaa2,S.4.DdS.andentertheiatalhefc. '


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  1. Ilow Doch have yoo faid CO fov 1JM9 tooone tai)

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(fO By piyneno oo 1X9 DBClmtion ol Earimarcii Ta^^. ' '

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la tf fsor rBa Otcn 8) ait larger faa jrow tax (ilea 7). cmer the Ovnmnranr hcM-l

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archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2859

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2859

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2859#page/n842/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

ol, enter, tf, tax, ta, san, oo, yy, yoo, wrm, wl, wfr, uiwithheu, u3, trtnj

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

yoo faid, wrm ., wfr iftc, u3 lb, tooone tai, tiiihlia im, tf fsor, tf ., tax renim, tax ilea, ta tiiihlia, tad enter, san fraacl9cp., san fr, ro iccdvdi

Document Status: UGLY