
Document Title Page


Truek lieu Ux tw yr fT, 880.87

QwMral property tax t,e04lt

Pdnil OJl. 8,660.61

Federal U.Z. 1,067.10

6tat U.I. jLg^ * *

SclMduU C TAXES. (Sm In.trtMUwi U)


Nmut Irjliawl)




Toul (rntw ti llrm IS. paw H . " . .'


SchMtui. D BAD DEBTS. (Sm Inilruction 20)

8,9it.tS ) l&6&,MUt^ M.f6t41.

ifietM i,v,i6ai.M, iM*u

1,M,7I &^tTl4MUi4 4MitS

-Jiu tion claiincvi rcpmrnts debts wbuli iiAvc brcumc worthlrts

Schadub EDEPRECIATION. (Sm Iiutruclion 21 )


Dapralatf oa Br MfatAal ##

iBnwurzai ou

xtw n, toiMtu* I.


0at Pmt.

Uimm %

IM17 fMla 10 JM.

Off iOtt fUilMBt




-86 Bulatai tiUKtacs froa 8

nita and ta

H8 riMd atulpMDt 40 jrra

lt86 triMkB, KlMra, ttra.8 ta

AvIaMtilaa 6

IMS. 8hoTala,araaaa,tra%.jraara

1100,000. worth of aav aad

tmak 4 Bixar amiMBt parAaaod

Jan. lit, 1M8.

a0.4M04 fOii.N 4atfr 10.7fT61

i,a888t iari8i

68,089.01 88i4887 8Hf.6f 87,4St4f

106.767.87 8667878 10096.47 60.0U.M

406.706.81 191M0.8t 70199.tt 1U,768.01

8.660.08 B8M.68 1809.l l,V9810

84.617.48 18U9.80 100M.i7 M,M9.88

archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs2907

Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2907

Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs2907#page/n596/mode/1up

Top Keywords (auto-generated):

tax, switzer, income, glenn, enter, review, revenue, internal, petitioner, petitioners, 1954, item, respondent, im, endorsed

Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):

glenn switzer, internal revenue, income tax, tax item, revenue code, payments item, write below, tax returns, tax ., switzer howard, section 293, revenue respondent., questions presented, los angeles, january 1954.

Document Status: UGLY