, -we been prejudicial. We must presume it pre-
judicial. (Citing case.). The jury received an
miction second hand, and not by the judge.
Chances for error are too great. Presuming the
error to be prejudicial, the rule in FilUEEon v.
Albion Vein Slate Co . . supra, is applicable and
requires reversal."
~f iMlliDDon v. Albion Vein
The case or fiihpp u _
n ^*- 1Q19 250 U.S. 76, 63
Slate Co., U. S. Supreme Court, 1919,
4 -h Ah Fook Chang case,
L Ed. 204, referred to In the Ah to
.upra, held that it was error for the trial judge to
give supplementary written instructions to the jury
during deliberations without presence of cou.se or
afC er notice and opportunity to be present and that
. instructions should not be sent to the jury
..1 and an opportunity to object
without notice to counsel ana an vv
in the instant case no written in-
-v.. nrv The answer to the
structions were sent to the jury.
Hm a8 to the fact the jury were unable to
last question as c uw
archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs3243
Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs3243
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Top Keywords (auto-generated):
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Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):
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