- VJe shall therefore be glad to
cooperate in e^/ery v/ay within
the channels of ga/ernmental
function to assist you to accom-
plish such developnent and ex-
pansion. Let me personally wish
you the hast of success in this
progrc'^m. Sincerely, Grant Sav;yer,
Govern or".
Ibc Tv oi Id famous architectural
firi'-. of Victor Gruen & Associates
h'i.p. subiTiitted master plans for
the suggested new con-onunities
within tliG ranch.
23, A suggested nev; city--
,.nln toe ^-;::^:tolop.cnt -- -^P,,. prcra-
o .ccc.pli^ -=^e ^ ,, ol succes
To insure that the development of
Gamble Ranch v7ould adhere to the
policies of the government of
Nevada, no expense was spared.
- Only after intensive research on
the area did Gruen 's expert staff
submit their plans.
r : t * i stMTtfk
4 '-:
- Civic center Planned shopping
center to rise on the ranch.
archive.org Volume Name: govuscourtsca9briefs3447
Volume: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs3447
Document Link: http://archive.org/stream/govuscourtsca9briefs3447#page/n606/mode/1up
Top Keywords (auto-generated):
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Top Key Phrases (auto-generated):
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Document Status: UGLY